21 February 2011
Yes, That About Sums It Up

13 February 2011
February Meeting Notes
So glad that everyone was able to make it to the potluck and planning meeting! Here's a recap of some of the major points we discussed for future reference.
1) Expectations for the first season -
1) Expectations for the first season -
- observing the site and identifying ways to improve its fertility for future years
- building a successful group dynamic among the members
- sharing skills and knowledge within the group (and with greater community by opening up our workdays to volunteers and publicizing garden events)
- including crops in the rotation that individual members may not be able to grow in their home gardens (because of space or light limitations)
- seed starting (Kate)
- landscaping the front area (Barbara)
- organizing a spring plant swap (Kanani)
- building rain barrels (Emily and Larry)
- finishing the tool shed (Larry and Josh)
- organizing a community composting workshop (unassigned)
- watering weekly or as needed (Barbara)
- beekeeping - pending landlord approval (Ashley)
- Outdoor spigot for watering
- Mulberry tree removal
- Early season: bunching onions, spinach, bok choi, lettuce, carrots, beets, peas (trellised), garlic scapes
- Mid season: garlic, basil, tomatoes, sweet and cayenne peppers, eggplant, summer squash, cucumbers (trellised), melons, beans, potatoes (in barrels)
- Late season: winter squash, kale, chard, broccoli raab, carrots, beets
- Potentially, a three sisters planting in back of the garden: corn, beans, squash
- Herbs and beneficial companion plants - as space permits
- Issues that should be brought to the group for discussion include: anything that might affect the overall functioning of the garden or the garden's operating budget, as well as anything that might affect the relationship between the garden and the landlord, tenants, or community at large
- Decision making: group decisions will be made by consensus; Emily is trained in consensus-building and will assist the group as needed
- Methods of communication: all garden events will be posted on the blog and updates will be emailed out by Kanani; a chore log will be posted in the tool shed during the growing season for folks who can't make it on the scheduled work days
- Coordinators: Ashley, Kate, and Kanani will continue to serve as co-coordinators for the first season; their responsibilities will be to liaise with the New Haven Land Trust and the landlord
- Garden management: Kanani will be the point-person for any issues relating to growing practices (i.e., crop planning, fertility or pest management as needed)
- Please do not use the tenants' garbage cans while at the garden
- Please do not leave the water running - the landlord may require the garden to cover a portion of the water bill if she sees a dramatic increase in usage
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