24 August 2011

The flowers are in full bloom!

Check out the colorful Zinnia's next time you come by!

We have a tomato theif!

The basil is roughly 33 inches high...or just as tall or even taller than Raven!

Look at these adorable little cherry tomatoes!

Don't forget to get your share!!!

"Hairy Vine, Not a Friend of Mine!"

The battle continues with the poison ivy.
It is located at the back of the garden, on
the ground, climbing on the fence, and
up the trees.

Here it is peaking through the cardboard
I put down to smother it!

This is the unattractive mess
I have created to try and rid us of our foe!
Please save your cardboard for the garden!

23 August 2011

What to harvest from the garden!

Here is a pic of what a share this week looks like. There are plenty of ripe tomatoes, eggplants, peppers both hot and not ready to be harvested. In this share there are:

- a bunch of beet greens (thinnings from the bed)
- 3-4 peppers
-5 tomatoes
- a bunch of basil
- a half pound green beans

In our last meeting we discussed how we should deal with harvesting and distribution of shares. The majority of harvesting and distribution of shares will occur on our weekly workday. However, for those who didn't make it to the garden yesterday, feel free to use the above share as your guideline. If you haven't filled out the Doodle poll Kate sent out, make sure to do so in the next couple of days!!!


17 August 2011

And finally: Garden Oddities!

This little butternut squash baby is fused multiple times to the vine!

I was happily harvesting in the rain when I found this gem. It was totally worth the giggle!

Say Hello to the garden!

In the distance the tomatoes are climbing to the sky. Thank you Chris Randall for the 8ft stakes and to Barb and Eva for watering in the month of July. It sure was a hot one!
In the far raised bed: the beets look divine, Thanks Josh!
After all your hard work, don't forget to sit back and enjoy the beauty of the garden in one of the lovely and most colorful chairs, scored by Janis.
"One persons trash is another persons treasure!"

Ye Ol' Compost Pile!

I took all the miscellaneous piles and made one giant heap. I used the rake and the shovel to churn it. I then covered it with some plastic to bake in the remaining summer sun. I started a new pile directly next to it. Please keep bringing your scraps.

Potatoes the Size of Toes!

We have potatoes. Well some. The greenery finally died and I dumped the barrel. This was the bounty. Pretty adorable though.

14 August 2011

Garden Meeting

Thursday, August 18, 2011 at 7:30PM
Barb Shillers House
1) pick a group work date/project to tackle for August, September, and October;
2) discuss harvest instructions/amounts so folks know what kind of share to take home;
3) decide where to donate any extra harvest, so it doesn't go to waste;
4) address any operational issues/challenges that we've encountered;
5) and hopefully, meet a couple of new members (there's a couple in the building who have expressed interest in participating in the project).

August 14, 2011

A garden to do list for the month:

Seed a fall crop.
We discussed Kale, Carrots, and Broccoli.
Any suggestions?
Keep weeding, deadheading, and harvesting.
Paint the shed.