
In the garden, we choose:
  • to create beneficial habitat for wildlife and support biodiversity in our selection of crops, herbs, and other plantings
  • to sustain soil life and build fertility with a no-till approach that includes sheet mulching, composting, and cover cropping
  • to conserve resources by limiting our consumption of water, minimizing erosion and runoff, and recycling garden wastes as nutrients
  • to ensure the safety of our harvests by using manure and soil amendments with care
  • to use organic alternatives to genetically modified and chemically treated seeds
  • to use organic alternatives to synthetic insecticides, herbicides, fungicides and fertilizers when needed

With each other, we choose:
  • to share the labor and the harvest cooperatively and fairly
  • to ensure each other's safety when working together in the garden
  • to treat each other with respect and value each other's contributions
  • to resolve conflicts in the garden with open-mindedness, humor and creativity

Within the community at large, we choose:
  • to create opportunities for community building and skill sharing during garden work days and educational events
  • to harvest extra produce to share with volunteers and/or donate to a community food pantry
  • to support the local economy by purchasing inputs like seeds and soil amendments locally and regionally whenever possible